The Belgian Capacity Remuneration Mechanism
It would only take two hours to start understanding the Belgian CRM !
A CRM or ‘Capacity Remuneration Mechanism’ is an instrumen to complement the energy markets with a capacity market that
guarantees the availability of sufficient capacity to ensure electricity supply. It is the base for future adequacy of the energy
system after the phase out of nuclear energy in 2025.
This market involving auctions for the upcoming 13 years is fully developing since from early May until the 15th of June 2021
eligible capacities were given the opportunity to prequalify for the CRM.
Subsequently, capacities that prequalified can submit an offer for the CRM auction during the bid submission period
that will start on the 15th of September 2021 until the 30th of September 2021 (Y-4 auction) for the delivery period of the
1st of November 2025 or during the Y-1 auction that will take place in 2024.
The bid submission period will start the 15th September 2021 until 30th September 2021 for the delivery period of the
1st of November 2025.
As a matter of fact, it is almost impossible to summarize several thousand pages of documents. The aim of this textbook is to give
a flavor of the mechanism and incentivize producers, investors and bankers to dive-in, study and profit from the CRM.
In order to get a practical tool for investors, lawmakers, lawyers, industrials and shareholders, the publisher decided to
add all relevant legal texts (in French and Dutch) involved in the procedure.
Editeur : Corporate Copyright
Nombre de pages : 905
Date de sortie : 28/06/2021
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